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How to Fix a Slow Laptop to Get Back Smooth

Work can now be done virtually anywhere. You are not required to come to the office every day and work at your desk. This convenience is aided by technological advancements that allow you to work remotely using only a laptop device.

A laptop is a device that requires regular maintenance in order to function properly. Because not all laptops can function properly, you must learn how to deal with slow laptops.

A laptop is an electronic device that contains numerous sensitive devices. All devices can function properly if you, as a user, pay close attention to the condition of the laptop.

1. How to Fix a Slow Laptop by Uninstalling Unused Programs

When you first purchase a laptop, you may discover several pre-installed applications, also known as bloatware. These applications will only burden and slow down your laptop, which is why you should delete applications and programs that are no longer in use to make the laptop run more smoothly.

2. Deactivate programs that run automatically at startup.

When you turn on your laptop, some programs in Windows 10 will start automatically. To prevent the laptop from slowing down, disable some of the programs that run at startup. Select the startup tab in Task Manager and look for programs that are slowing down the startup process.

3. Use a light antivirus.

Many antivirus programs will slow down your laptop's performance. Choose a lightweight antivirus solution that will not overburden your laptop. For example, you can now use antivirus software such as Norton and BitDefender, which are lightweight and do not consume a lot of resources when used.4. Clear Cache Occasionally

Cache or temporary files on a laptop must be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that the laptop runs smoothly. Open File Manager and then right-click on an image on your hard drive (such as Drive C or D). To clean cache and temporary files that have accumulated, click Properties, then hover over the General tab and press the Disk Cleanup button.

5. Changing the Power Settings to High (High Performance)

Windows 10 includes a laptop power management feature that allows you to tailor the performance of your laptop to your specific needs. By pressing right on the battery image in the lower right taskbar, you can change the power settings. Change the power settings to high performance to maximize your laptop's capabilities and overcome slowness.

6. Make use of MSconfig to disable unnecessary programs.

Unlike Windows 10, the Windows 7 operating system still requires your participation to kill programs that run at startup using the MSconfig command. Type run into the Start Menu. To open and run the command, type MSconfig in the provided column. Choose which programs to kill during the startup process, taking care not to kill any critical Windows programs.

7. Regularly run Disk Defragmenter.

If your laptop still runs Windows 7, you can be sure that the storage media is old and in need of a defrag so that the contents remain organized and well organized. Because the defrag process takes a long time, try to do it at night when you can leave the laptop alone.

8. Use your laptop's Ready Boost feature.

A full laptop cache can cause a laptop to slow down. Ready Boost is a feature in Windows 7 that helps laptops get more cache so they can run more smoothly. To use this feature, you must have a flash drive with a minimum capacity of 16GB and USB 3.0 connectivity.

9. Turn the Illuminated Indexing System off.

In contrast to Windows 10, Windows 7 still has an inefficient software indexing process. The indexing process can sometimes be taxing on the laptop. Turn off the System Indexing feature in Windows 7 by opening the Start Menu and using the search feature to look for Services.

Run Services and double-click Windows Search in the "Name" column. Once opened, there is a General tab where you can disable the indexing feature by pressing the disable button on the startup type.

10. Take advantage of programs with limited features.

Not all older laptops can run the most recent programs. You can use programs with Lite features so that they can be used on laptops with older hardware without slowing you down.

11. Periodically clean the laptop.

Dust that accumulates for an extended period of time and obstructs airflow can cause laptop performance to suffer. Clean the dust from inside the laptop on a regular basis to keep it from heating up and becoming sluggish.

12. RAM Upgrade for a Laptop

A RAM slot has been provided on several types and brands of laptops so that you can add your own RAM. You can boost the performance of your laptop by adding one additional piece of RAM. Of course, the more RAM you have, the more programs you can run on the laptop.

13. Using an SSD to Improve Laptop Performance

SATA hard drives are still commonly used as storage media in older laptops. On the inside of hard drives are rotating disks with slow read and write speeds. Replace the hard drive with an SSD or Solid State Drive to improve laptop performance because SSD storage media does not contain moving parts.

14. Paste Processor Replacement

Every laptop or desktop processor contains a paste that conducts heat to the fan and heatsink. The paste can dry out over time, reducing the laptop's ability to conduct heat properly. Replace the pasta processor at least once a year, and use pasta with good heat conduction properties.

15. Avoid overfilling storage media.

Whatever the form of the storage media, if it is overloaded, it will automatically slow down. To ensure that the performance of the storage media is maintained properly, only fill it to a maximum of 90% of its available capacity.

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